Senin, 05 April 2010

Sendwich Gulung

Sendwich Gulung

Bahan :
- 12 lembar roti tawar gandum
- kertas roti untuk pembungkus
- 6 sdm mayonaise
- 2 sdm saus cabai
- 100 gr acar timun
- 12 bh keju lembaran
- 100 gr daging asap
- daun selada

Cara Membuat
  • Buang pinggiran roti gandum, taruh roti di atas selembar kertas roti/ tisu dapur, gilas dengan penggilas, agar padat dan rapi waktu digulung.
  • Campur mayonaise dan saus cabai, oleskan pada roti, beri daun selada, selembar daging asap yang telah digoreng dengan sedikit
  • mentega, dan keju lembaran. Gulung sampai padat, putar kedua ujung pembungkus sampai terkunci, simpan di lemari es selama 30 menit.
  • Sebelum dihidangkan buka bungkusnya, potong-potong saat akan disajikan.

- 12 pieces of wheat bread
- Paper for wrapping bread
- 6 tablespoons mayonnaise
- 2 tbsp chilli sauce
- 100 g pickled cucumbers
- 12 pcs cheese slabs
- 100 gr bacon
- Lettuce

How to Make

* Discard the outskirts of wheat bread, put the bread on a sheet of baking paper / kitchen roll, roll with the roller, so dense and compact when rolled.
* Mix the mayonnaise and chili sauce, apply on bread, put lettuce, a piece of smoked meat has been fried with a little
* Butter, and cheese slabs. Roll until compact, swivel both ends of the wrapper until it locks, store in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
* Before serving open the wrapper, cut into pieces as will be presented.

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