Rabu, 07 April 2010

Biskuit Coco Crunch

Biskuit Coco Crunch

Bahan :
• 225 gram tepung terigu protein rendah.
• 25 gram tepung maizena.
• 20 gram cokelat bubuk.
• 100 gram kacang mate sangria, cincang halus.
• 200 gram mentega.
• 125 gram gula bubuk, ayak.
• 50 gram gula palem.
• 25 gram susu bubuk coklat.
• 50 gram coklat masak pekat
• ¼ sdt esens vanili.
• ¼ sdt garam halus.
• 2 butir telur.
• 100 gram sereal coco crunch.

Cara Membuat :
1. Ayak terigu, meizena, dan cokelat bubuk. Tambahkan mete halus, aduk rata. Sisihkan.
2. Kocok mentega, gula bubuk, gula palem, susu bubuk, vanili, dan garam hingga mengmbang.
3. Masukkan telur, sambil dikocok. Tambah coklat leleh, kocok rata. Masukkan terigu campur, aduk rata.
4. Masukan adonan ke dalam kantung plastic segitiga rangkap dua. Gunting ujung selebat 1 cm. semprotkan adonan.
5. Beri 3 – 4 keping sereal coco krunch di atas keeping kue.
6. Panggang dalam oven hingga kue matang.


Coco Crunch Biscuits

• 225 grams of low-protein flour.
• 25 grams of corn starch.
• 20 grams of brown powder.
• 100 grams of beans mate, sangria, finely chopped.
• 200 grams of butter.
• 125 grams of powdered sugar, sieve.
• 50 grams of brown sugar.
• 25 grams of powdered chocolate milk.
• 50 grams of dark chocolate cookbook
• ¼ tsp vanilla essence.
• ¼ tsp fine salt.
• 2 eggs.
• 100 grams of cereal coco crunch.

How to Make:
1. Sift flour, meizena, and cocoa powder. Add the nuts finely and stir well. Set aside.
2. Beat butter, powdered sugar, brown sugar, powdered milk, vanilla and salt until mengmbang.
3. Add the eggs, looking shaken. Add melted chocolate, mix well. Stir in the flour mix and stir well.
4. Enter the dough into a plastic bag a double triangle. Selebat tip scissors 1 cm. spray dough.
5. Give 3 to 4 pieces of cereal on top of keeping krunch coco cake.
6. Bake in oven until cake is cooked.

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